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The Art and Science of Spending Money
January 31, 2023
Building wealth must be about more than just seeing a larger number on your investment statement each year. Wealth translates into life satisfaction when it has a purpose.
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2023: Building on a better base for investors
January 25, 2023
Investing money at its most basic is just delayed consumption. Putting $250 away versus buying another pair of shoes simply means you can buy those shoes at some point in the future. It makes sense then that the baseline goal of investing is to protect the purchasing power of your money.
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Keep Calm and Plan For Volatility
January 18, 2023
Keeping your nerve when you see minus signs on your portfolio statement is not easy. Throw in a global pandemic, the rising cost of living, interest rate hikes, and a news cycle of war and political division, and it’s little wonder many investors want to exit the market and hunker down until the good times return.
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Private Credit Versus Investment Grade Bonds
December 20, 2022
Most investment portfolios have three basic components. Cash that has option value for future buys, equity for growth that hopefully exceeds inflation, and income that generates cash flow. Normally, our income investments are stable - we get some capital appreciation with predictable cash distributions. That was the case, until 2022!
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Pandemic Legacy: How Have Investors Been Affected
November 23, 2022
How the COVID-19 pandemic alters the path of history remains to be seen. Like a retiree looking back over their life, it’s only in hindsight that they can fully process the impact of euphoric highs and devastating lows. The great events of history are similar; they shape people and societies.
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Risk/Return Trade-Off: True or False?
April 21, 2021
One enduring belief in investing is the trade-off between risk and reward. Yet, empirical studies show that taking excessive market risk either has no, or actually, a negative correlation to total investment return. There is even a name for this phenomenon: “the low volatility anomaly.”
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How to Choose the Right Benchmark When Measuring Performance
May 28, 2021
The question on every investor’s mind is: How am I doing? We all want to know how our investments are performing. There may also be a competitive desire to “beat the market”. The way to answer the question is with benchmarks.
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Understanding Volatility
November 26, 2021
If you’ve ever paddled a canoe on a calm lake only to get caught in a sudden squall of rough waves, then you’ve experienced volatility. When it comes to investing, volatility occurs when a “storm” develops rapidly and sends prices shooting up or down in a dramatic fashion.
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The Differences & Benefits of Working with an Independent Portfolio Manager vs Financial Advisor
January 20, 2022
Most Canadians will have weighed up the advantages of using an advisor at some point in their lives. But with more and more options open to the DIY investor, the question of whether to use a professional is one many people don’t fully understand.
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Taming, Not Timing, the Markets
March 1, 2022
During long periods when markets remain calm, many retail investors are lulled by the slow and steady upward movement in the value of their portfolios. These are the times when the adage, “time in the market, not market timing, determines performance”, that seems to ring true.
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