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Investor Education Blog

Take it to the Tax: Tips and Strategies
April 17, 2022
Everyone is taxed, of course, regardless of whether you are low income or high-net worth. However, taking advantage of new and established tax benefits is invaluable.
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Ukraine Invasion: Where do Investors Stand?
April 22, 2022
The Ukraine invasion has impacted markets and economies, and therefore affected everybody’s portfolios. But where has this impact been most felt, why and how should investors approach the months ahead?
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An Alternative View
May 1, 2022
Emotionally and statistically, restricting your portfolio to variations on the stocks and bonds theme doesn’t make sense. Whether it’s income you need or protection from the next market correction, alternatives, with the right help from a trusted advisor, can add ballast to your portfolio.
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Why Sitting Out Of Risky Markets Is A Bigger Risk Than You May Realize
May 10, 2022
Behavioural psychologists often talk about “loss aversion” or “negativity bias”. Both phrases essentially mean that people experience loss more intensely than gains.
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Why Financial Planning Has A Reputation Problem
July 5, 2022
Professional advice should be your first phone call and if it isn’t, the industry has failed. Inheriting a large sum, or selling a business, can be an intense experience but it should be a pleasurable one.
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Wealth Transfer: Preparing the Next Generation
July 18, 2022
Baby boomers have benefitted from a huge increase in net worth, driven by property values and equity markets, while life expectancy has increased, meaning they’ve also had more time to hold their assets and accumulate wealth.
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Six Investment Myths Busted
August 3, 2022
You don’t have to look too far away from the big screen to see real-life examples of people whose actions have perpetuated the link between the wealth industry, untrustworthy characters and get-rich-quick trades.
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Inflation … What Does it Mean?
August 8, 2022
Inflation, of course, is arguably the number-one concern among investors right now, not only for the impact it’s having on markets and portfolios but for the day-to-day impact on one’s wallet.
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Beyond Coldplay: How Emerging Markets Enhance your Investment Palette
August 17, 2022
Home bias affects many portfolios – it’s human nature. However, as a result, investors are missing out on regions and sectors of rapid growth in emerging markets. It’s worth contemplating, if you haven’t already, taking some of that domestic investment and gaining exposure via a broad-based EM fund or ETF.
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Do You Really Need to Work Longer?
August 23, 2022
We live in a culture that warns of dire consequences if you don’t have a certain amount in the bank by a certain age. Mostly, this is cookie-cutter, Google-search-engine-clickbait stuff – everyone has a different picture of what retirement is going to look like. However, there is no denying the trend of more people working longer.
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