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Investor Education Blog

Adding New Money Part 1: Choosing the REIT path
October 4, 2023
If you are a long-term buy and hold investor with a typical cash, bond and stock portfolio you might be feeling a little down right now, no pun intended. Your portfolio probably peaked a couple of years ago and has been grinding along sideways since. But fear not, for those still accumulating, this is an opportunity.
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Proposed Tax Changes in Canada Could Stifle Large Charitable Gifts
September 26, 2023
When making a larger charitable donation to your choice of cause(s) it is sometimes encouraged to consider donating investments (ie. not the cash proceeds) because of amazingly generous tax benefits.
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Why The Hype Around Private Investments?
September 21, 2023
You may be hearing more about Private Investments these days and wondering if they are suitable. The first question you may have is why the focus on them now?
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Why Wait Until Retirement To Maximize The Joy In Your Life?
September 6, 2023
Sometimes we spend so much time preparing for what’s to come, that we forget to maximize the joy in our every day.
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Second Chance to Shine: The Numbers Game
August 30, 2023
Retirement no longer serves up connotations of aimless afternoons drinking tea and playing bingo. Instead – as explored in Parts 1 and 2 – increased life expectancy now offers a longevity opportunity: the chance to return to neglected passions and enjoy your later years while earning income in the process. However, just like with bingo, the numbers need to be right. A sturdy financial plan is paramount to maximising a fulfilling encore career.
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Second Chance to Shine: Embrace New Beginnings
August 16, 2023
Many of us put our dreams and hobbies on the backburner for all kinds of understandable reasons – a job that will pay the mortgage or put the kids through college, to carry on the family business or to pay off debt, for example. For those who love what they do, an encore career offers them the chance to keep on going, albeit at a slower pace. For others, maybe the career you chose when you were 20 was the wrong one, or maybe after 30 years you simply want to try something else.
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A Second Chance to Shine: An Introduction to the Important Benefits of Encore Careers
August 2, 2023
Ever wished you could do things over? Go back and study harder at school? Or pursue your dream career rather than settle for a steady pay cheque? Maybe you wanted to work overseas but didn’t get the chance. While no-one gets a Benjamin Button-style rewind option, the days of lamenting how you “missed the boat” could be over.
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Dear 90 Year Old Me
July 27, 2023
This wonderful 4-minute video from our Head of Financial Life Strategies, Monique Madan (CFP), discusses one of the greatest predictors of future wealth.
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Stop Asking, “What’s the Worst That Could Happen?”
July 6, 2023
Well-meaning friends and family members are full of advice and support when we are pursuing that ambitious goal or that risky next step. Some might ask, “what’s the worst that can happen?” While seemingly supportive and encouraging, research has shown that the appropriate retort is, “what’s the best that can happen?”
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How To Develop A Positive Financial Mindset
June 26, 2023
So often we get in a rhythm of what we think we should do versus what creates harmony in our lives. We allow fear and negativity to creep into our consciousness, which limits our potential.
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