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Investor Education Blog

No Champagne but a New Interest Rate Era has Begun
August 22, 2024
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Location, Location…and Timing
July 17, 2024
In the final segment of our blog series on cottage property investments, we'll explore important factors to consider before making your investment. It's essential to evaluate, location, timing and how these financial decisions may impact your children and future generations to come.
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Tax Considerations and Estate Planning for Investing in Cottage Properties
July 17, 2024
In the second part of this blog series, we explore the complexities of tax considerations and estate planning associated with investing in cottage properties.
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The Latest Trends in the Post-COVID Era
July 3, 2024
It’s summertime! So, we wanted to put Canada's passion for embracing the great outdoors, front and centre, with a 3 part mini-blog series on the financial ‘in’s and out’s’ of cottage ownership.
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Investigating Your CPP/QPP: Pension Entitlements
June 5, 2024
Fewer and fewer Canadians are eligible for employer-sponsored pensions plans. For many, the only reliable, inflation-adjusted, income stream that they will collect when they leave full-time employment is the Canada / Quebec Pension Plan (CPP/QPP) and Old Age Security (OAS).
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Taking the Risk Out of Retirement Income
May 13, 2024
For those heading towards or already in retirement, now is not the time to gamble with your future.
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Part 2: Easing Into Retirement – Time to Adjust your Investment Playbook
February 6, 2024
While your investment portfolio represents only 1 out of the 5 critical areas to think about when planning for retirement, it’s influence can overshadow a number of the other areas. Let's explore the importance of evaluating your investment portfolio to optimize the management of your future income.
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Part 1: Easing Into Retirement – Time to Adjust your Investment Playbook
February 6, 2024
Popular media glorifies retirement with glossy pictures of healthy retirees on a beach living the golden years. That is part of it, but retirement is just another stage of life with both new adventures and new challenges. There are five critical areas to plan for as you think about retirement.
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Part 3: Can We Finally Expect Interest Rate Cuts?
January 19, 2024
In the final segment of our series on the future of interest rates, we discuss what the current and go-forward factors all mean for the average investor in 2024.
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Part 2: Can We Finally Expect Interest Rate Cuts?
January 19, 2024
In Part 2 of our series, "Can we finally expect interest rate cuts?", we delve into the anticipated trends in interest rates for the year and, more importantly, the necessary conditions for those expectations to materialize. We will also examine potential obstacles that may hinder these expectations.
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